As educational institutions face strong winds, millions of children, adolescents and young people were out of school, while the ethnic and socio-economic achievement gap widens and as students lose ground academically or drop out altogether, WAT&CO is committed to delivering true innovation, serving educational institutions and systems, governments, philanthropists, investors, service providers and professional training providers.
While underdevelopment has created unprecedented challenges, it also presents an opportunity to accelerate innovation and social impact in education. With the right strategic direction, coupled with powerful human and digital capabilities and a drive to innovate, educational institutions can transform their cultures and educational models to enable 21st century learning.
>WAT&CO is committed to improving lifelong learning opportunities and outcomes around the world by collaborating with clients on their priority issues while always keeping equity at the forefront. Our teams include former teachers, institutional leaders, policy makers and researchers with deep expertise at all levels of education, from early childhood and kindergarten to 12th grade, but also, up to higher education and workforce development (vocational training).
We serve educational institutions and systems, governments, philanthropists, investors, service providers and Private Institutes of Higher Education (IPES), supplementing our practical work with original research to enable us to better understand the industry's toughest challenges and develop new capabilities to help solve them. Our work lies at the intersection of education, employment and social care. We provide learning and training experiences that promote work readiness and success and ensure that policies and funding support the well-being of disadvantaged children and students
We also provide educational strategy consulting services to related organizations including governments, non-profit organizations, foundations, education publishers, digital learning providers, universities in corporate, private equity firms, sovereign wealth funds, and early care providers.
Our education experts help organizations and institutions set bold ambition, cultivate talent, and deliver proven technology and innovation initiatives, all while controlling costs.
Our main levers include:
Strategy and implementation | Organizational Transformation |
private, we create strategies that generate measurable impact informed by the unique needs of each institution. Our collaborative approach maximizes the chances of success, increases the pace of execution, and builds internal capacity and ownership for lasting change | with educational organizations of all types, we help transformatively improve student outcomes, institutional innovation and financial stability. Our holistic approach focuses on excellence in execution, capacity building and organizational health, which enables our clients to achieve and sustain superior performance. |
Partnerships, Agreements and Mergers. | Educational Institution Building. |
Support organizations looking to partner or merge with another institution by helping clients assess the potential, design the structure and ensure the long-term success of the new venture. | Imagine, create and accelerate large-scale projects and improve education and employment outcomes to deliver capabilities that allow our customers to repeat the process time and time again, bringing together the world's best educators, designers, operators and other experts across all industries and geographies. |
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